Monthly Favorites!


What I learned from my first semester of college!

It is currently December which means that I am officially done with my first semester at college! The results are in! I passed all my classes, made friends, found a job on campus, and joined a club! So what did I learn? What will I do differently next semester? What will I do exactly the same?

Staying Organized!

  • One thing that I did to stay organized and make sure all my assignments were turned in on time was to print out my syllabus and put it in the front of each binder. This way you will always be reminded of when an assignment is due! 
  • In your room it is a good idea to make a spot for all your textbooks. The worst thing you can do is be in a rush for class and misplace your textbook. My dorm came with a desk that has a shelve above it, thats where I keep my books.
  • Prepare the night before! I cant tell you how many times I woke up with 10 minutes to get to my class. It is a good idea to lay out piles the night before. This way in the morning all you have to do is grab that pile of books and go! 
  • Everyone has there own way of staying organized, this is how I did it. I have a binder for every class with a folder inside of it. I also have looseleaf paper. In addition to that I put my syllabus in it. Find out what works for you. 


  • You have to understand that problems will arise! There is no going around this. The difference between good roommates and bad roommates is whether you can make it past the problems. The way you do this is by discussing your problems. If you don't like something your roommate is doing bring it up with them. If they don't know what they are doing wrong they are not going to change. This also goes the opposite way as well. If your roommate brings something up you have to respect them. Listen. Talk. Come to a solution. 

The fun stuff! 

  • Going out every night might seem like a great idea at the time but trust me YOU ARE WRONG. There is a reason sleep is required. You are not going to learn as well, or function as well.  Remember why you are at college. You are here to learn and get a degree. Now I'm not saying that you cant hang out with your friends ever but do it in moderation. Find a balance between school, sleep, and social life. 

Getting sick!

  •  All I can say about this is be prepared. I don't care how good you think your immune system is or how often you sanitize or how clean you keep your room. Sure this stuff helps, but you are going to get sick. Prepare for this when you go to school I cant tell you how many times I made emergency runs to the local drug store for NyQuil. 


  • You are going to be on your own now so you are going to want to eat everything your parents wouldn't let you. DO NOT DO THIS. They didn't let you have it for a reason. Telling yourself that you will work it off tomorrow is never a good idea and chances are you wont, so just don't. The freshman 15 is not required. Make healthy choices and it wont happen to you. 


  • I can not stress enough how much you need to do this. You will get a lot of readings, READ THEM! Even if they seem irrelevant at the time they will creep back up I promise! In addition to the readings keep up with your assignments. Keep a calendar and plan out what you should do every night. 


5 signs you are with the right guy!

Everyone has different expectations in a relationship. Some people want safe, they want someone that they know will always be there. Other people might want romance, and others? Well maybe they want excitement and adventure! There will never be a one list that lets you know you are with the right person. This is how I Know I am. everyones list is a little different. This is how I knew that I was truly in love with my significant other.

1. you can picture a future. 

The idea of happily ever after no longer scares you. You can imagine your wedding day, but beyond that you can imagine the happy years that follow.

2. You have similar values. 

This is not necessarily religion and politics although that can be included. My key things are:

  • How to raise kids 
  • Moral values 
  • marriage?
also included in this for is character, who is he as a person? Do I like that person?

3. You can argue 
there are a few things that separate a good argument from a bad argument.
here is my criteria for a good argument:

  • When you argue you are making progress. you are not just yelling at each other to yell at each other. In order for this to happen you have to listen to each other and trust each other. 
  • you also have to understand that fighting is a natural thing but you cant walk away angry.
4. You have separate things. 
Its always nice to do stuff together. however, you cant always be together. You need separate things. separate friends and activities, without any hard feelings.  

5. You have things to do together. 
Although spending time apart is a must you also should have things to do together.  Find activities that you both enjoy! movies, concerts, hiking. It doesnt matter what it is as long as you both can have fun doing it. 

MEETING THE PARENTS tips, tricks, and rules.

Me and my boyfriend have decided to go out to eat with his parents next month. This will be the first time I meet his parents. This made me nervous so I decided to research this a lot. I am sure I am not the only one stressing about what to wear what to say and how to act. So to save you from all the research I did I thought I would make a post about this. Be sure to let me know how it goes with you, and if theres something else I should add. xox

CLOTHES! This is probably the most stressful thing, for me at least. I have a million questions running through my head. Is this to casual? Is this to dressy? is this to conservative? Is this to colorful? ect. I think you get the point.
Here are a couple tips to make this easier!

1. Stick to your style. Its really important that your boyfriends parents get to know the real you.

2. With that in mind Dress conservative. You don't want to make a bad first impression. Don't wear inappropriate clothing, cover yourself up ect.

3. Dress with the event in mind. If you are going out to eat dress accordingly.

4. Don't over do the makeup. let them see the natural you! You are gorgeous flaunt it.

5. Don't wear jewelry you are going to play with all night. 

6. keep in mind who you are meeting. If his parents are very classy dress with that in mind.

so now here are some outfit examples for different styles! You don't need to follow these exactly but they are good starting points!

The rules: 
after you have your outfit planned out you can release a major sigh of relief. But then your body begins the nervous jitters. You realize that although you have accomplish something major this means the meeting is coming closer. So i have put together a small list of rules to follow to ensure a positive night with his family!

1. Be yourself
This is really important. He is introducing you to them because he likes the real you, so why wouldn't they?
Helpful tip: If they are talking to you about something you know little about don't just chime in to look like you know it. For example if they are talking about a football game and you don't watch football just ask them to recap it! This way you wont get caught in a sticky situation and you come across as interested in their interest! In the long end they will respect you more! 

2.  Be Helpful 
The ways you can do this depends on what you are doing with his family. If you are going over to his house for dinner offer to bring a plate (appitizer, dessert). You can offer to set the table, bring dishes out or back to the kitchen, offer to help clean up or do the dishes. The amount they are willing to let you do will vary but the offer is what is important. If you go out to eat there is not much that you can do. However you can open doors for his family, after all its the small things that matter. 

This is SO important. you have to think of this as a first date, or an interview. Its much easier to create a good first impression off the bat then it would be to change their opinion of you. A really good way to do this is with manners. 

So lets review the basics: 
- Maintain good posturer (sit with a straight back NO SLOUCHING!
-Chew your food with your mouth closed (if they ask you a question while you are chewing just motion to them that you are chewing and respond after you finish chewing
-Put your napkin in your lap. 
-Hold your silverware properly.
- Do not forget please and thank you. 
- when you are eating cut your food up as you go into tiny manageable bite sizes. 
-Do not touch your phone. It will make it look like you are bored and you would rather be somewhere else. Instead turn it off or on silent. If you think you might be tempted to take it out leave it in the car or at home. 
-keep your elbows off the table

4. Be respectful. 
This is a really big one! respect there wishes. If they want to pray go along. Use your manners. Engage in conversation. A big thing is to remember to find a balance of talking about yourself and talking about them. The purpose of the night is to learn about each other. You don't want to constantly be talking about yourself, but you also don't want to be always turning the conversation away from yourself. 



For those of you who may not know my story I  met my current boyfriend at college. We are both from different states so when we go on break the driving distance for us is around 5 hours. While thats not an extremely long distance, during the break we don't see each other. We both live in the midwest and the weather gets really snowy and the roads get icy. I have learned a few things on how to deal with long distance that I want to share with you.

1. Be patient! 
when you spend a lot of time apart you can get impatient, and stare at your phone for hours waiting for a response. you need to be patient. They will get back to you when they have a chance. 

2. Stay busy!
Being a part for a long time can be hard when all you do is think about them. The time will go faster if you distract yourself with work, friends, and family. 

3. Find a healthy amount of talking!
Every relationship is different. With some long distance relationships is reasonable to talk everyday all day. With other relationships maybe a Skype call once a week is enough. and other people are in-between. Find what works for you. 

4. Plan activities!
there is various things that you can do long distance. you can Skype at a coffee shop as a coffee date. watch a movie at the same time. ect. 

5. Before you spend the time apart plan something big!
Before you leave plan a date. It doesn't matter what it is. It will be nice to have something to remember before you leave. 

6. Before you leave talk about where you are at! 
The biggest thing is that you need to define cheating. Some people believe that flirting would qualify. For others it would be sex. Have this conversation before it causes problems later. 



yes it is that time of the month! November is always an exciting month. Its getting closer to christmas so obviously I started listening to christmas music and decorating my dorm! Also its THANKSGIVING! you get to go home and eat tons of food! When all you eat is college food and ramen noodles this really is a treat. thanksgiving this year was a wonderful time. I am the youngest of my siblings so we are all in different stages in my life as well as in different places, so when we all get together its awesome.

Enough talking about November though Ill get to my favorite products!

1. Better than sex mascara. 
This is a product that I have wanted to try for a really long time. I have heard wonderful reviews about it. So finally I purchased one for myself! AND OH MY GOD ITS ABOUT TIME! I love it I have really short eyelashes and this fixes that. Now I am desperate for a decent mascara, out of the millions I have tried I haven't really been impressed by any but I am with this.  This does have a couple downfalls in my opinion( but i'm going to buy it again) its a really wet mascara, and due to this it gets everywhere. In the past I have used mascaras such as they're real, clump crusher, telescopic lashes and so on they all have similar brushes they are small and spiky. The better than sex mascara is huge! So it is possible that I just need to adjust.

2. Fit Me Matte + Poreless  My makeup routine has always consisted of foundation and powder on top. I had no desire to change this however this month I ran out of foundation. I was planning on sticking to the routine. I have not had a problem with how my makeup has turned out so far. However this was changed when I went into the store and they didn't have my foundation! I looked all over and all I could find was this product by the same brand. I loved the old product so the idea of trying something new was crazy to me. I was upset but I still bought it. I am really glad I did this! The new and improved part of this foundation was the fact that it is matte. I have never heard of a matte foundation before and i was just very skeptical of the results. Thankfully though it works amazing. It gives a powdered look which eliminates a whole step in the makeup process. In addition to that everything that I loved about the original product exists in this product.


College Update

One of my classes got cancelled today so I wanted to write an update. Sorry if this post is long a lot has been going on! To begin I will start with school. As many of you know I am currently a college student and I am studying communications. One of the big things that happened was that I actually switched my major. I came to school with a plan and that plan was that I was going to study Applied Social Science with a concentration in sociology and anthropology. After taking a beginning course in both anthropology and sociology I realized that major was not for me. I based that decision off of the fact that I wanted something more hands on, something more engaging. I talked to some people that were further into the major and they talked about doing a lot of lengthy research projects and a lot of reading. This was not what I wanted.
For as long as I remember communications was always my backup. Becoming a lawyer is still the end game though so I had to consider that before I made my decision to switch. In order to fully understand this I met with an admissions advisor from a well known law school in my state. When I talked to her I asked her what was really important to study as an undergraduate. She told me that as a undergraduate their is no specific major that is required but english classes that develop writing skills is a huge help! That was exactly what I needed to hear to switch. I changed my major later to communications. I am really excited to start taking english classes next semester. I am planning on taking english 102, professional writing elements of style, woman and war, and fundamentals of speech. All of these classes seem really exciting to me!

So clearly this is just about classes I will write another update post on some other stuff!


October Favorites!!!

Hey guys!!
Now that it is November I wanted to share with you some products I have been obsessing over! October is one of my favorite months. By the time it rolls around I am so over shorts and tank tops. All I want to do is curl up under some blankets, wear oversized sweaters and drink hot tea. Trust me I love summer but sometimes you just need a change.
1. Revlon lipstick in the shade Iced Amethyst. 
One of my favorite things about autumn is dark lipstick. This month I bought revlon lipstick in the shade Iced Amethyst. Okay so a couple things that I like about this shade. The first is that I actually feel confident wearing this shade. A lot of the time I buy a bold lip color but  I am usually not confident enough to wear it. I love that this actually looks good. the second thing that I love is that it actually moisturizes! My lips feel great wearing it.
And here is a picture of me wearing the lipstick!

2. BrowPerfection by Prestige 
So the next thing that I really want to recommend is browperfection by prestige. I have always struggled with my brows. They are really think for about an inch and then they are really thin and barely there. Trying to find something that makes my eyebrows look natural has always been a huge struggle. Alot of the products I have tried make the beginning of my eyebrows look way to thick and dark and the rest of my brow looks fake and drawn in.  With this product I don't have that problem. it makes my eyebrows look full without making them look unnatural.  one side of the product darkens the hairs while making the brow look fuller. The other side is a clear gel to keep the eyebrow in place. This is something I really recommend! I am in love with this product. 
3. Primed and Ready Face Primer by Prestige 
So the next product I want to talk to you guys about is Prestige primed and ready face pimer. So ive never ever used face primer before. I have pretty descent skin so ive never even thought of spending money on it but OH MY GOD! I have been so wrong! This product makes everything look 10x better. and my makeup lasts all day. I can easily say I'm never not gonna use face primer again. 
4. Not your mothers Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray 
Okay so the last beauty product I have is Not Your Mothers Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray. So I don't use this for beach waves. I use this to enable my hair to be teased. I have really silky hair naturally so it doesn't hold teasing. However when I use this product it gives my hair the texture to be able to do this. 
5. Wax Warmer. 
This is something that works so well to keep a house or in my case a dorm room smelling great! For my situation I had to deal with tight spaces becoming smelly these smells originated from various things like the microwave. I tried spraying odor eliminators in the room but that wasn't doing much. Until me and my roommate got a wax warmer. I love that you can pick different sents and even when your in the room for a while you can still smell it.
 Thats everything for this month thanks guys! What are your October favorites? What should I try next month?


College Update

College is crazy! It has a completely different feel to it. For one the classes are more difficult, and they have a different vibe to them.  At least for me all my professors seam approachable and willing to help if I need it.  It really has been a good experience so far I really feel like everyone wants me to succeed!
I am currently taking two major related classes and 3 general education classes. The classes that I am taking that related to my major have made me realize that the major I initially picked out was not for me. I am glad I realized this so early because I have already successfully switched my major.  Education wise I feel like everything is going great!

There are a couple problems that have arisen with my roommate. So we will have to figure out a way to move past them or we will have to switch roommates. I don't really care to be honest and I don't think things are truly that bad. However she approached me the other day about a possible room switch. Up until that point I thought we were getting along. Apparently not. I feel that once someone approaches you with that their isn't a way for those people to live together anymore. I wont ever feel like i'm welcome in my own room, I will feel unwanted so I am assuming we will do a room switch around semester but we will see what happens.



Tomorrow is the first day of classes! So far everything seems to be going great! I am moved in, I met my roommate, and everyone on my floor seems really cool! Its been a crazy few days but soon it will start mellowing out! Every floor has a RA and a BDA. The RA is the standard Girl that lives on the floor and just makes sure everything is running smoothly and that everyone is following the rules. The BDA stands for Blue Devil Ambassador. They are a assigned to one floor and they stay with that floor for 3 days and make sure they answer all questions and make sure everyone gets to all the orientation activities.

So far it has been a good experience! Me and my roommate seem to be getting along! We agree on a lot of stuff however it has only been a couple days so we will see what happens.

Yesterday I decided to rush sorority. We had a big cookout. It was really cool to start meeting people. everyone there seemed really nice so I am really excited about that. I really hope I find a house that wants me!! Fingers crossed!

Classes start tomorrow so I am pretty excited to start meeting people there!

We have been on a really tight schedule so it has been hard to branch off and start socializing, but today is the last day of orientation.

This is me and my roomate!

do you have any advice?


How Andrew Mcmahon saved me

The first time I truly connected to a song was when I was at a funeral service for my step-grandmother, and jack's manniquin "dark blue" was playing through my headphones. It was a tough day. Me and my step-grandmother never really connected. We had a language barrier. I spoke english, and she spoke spanish. I'm sure that with more time and without the language barrier we could have become close. However we didn't. Throughout the years that I knew her honestly she never actually got my name down, she always called me kaylie instead of kylie. It never bothered me much teachers have been making that mistake my whole life. Anyways her funeral was held at a church, and the mass was in spanish. My dad and step mom were close to the front row. However I was left to find my own seat. I was around 13 or 14. I ended up in the back row, alone. I didn't know anyone. I was alone. When I attempted to sit by my dad he told me there wasn't enough room. So there I am in a room of people becoming more connected by a death, while I grew farther from everyone, and started to realize I was unwanted. This feeling of alone, of unwanted carried on daily, now I am 18 three days away from moving out and I still feel unwanted, and alone, At the funeral I turned my music on shuffle. 'Dark blue' came on. Never before has a lyric EVER fit my situation so exact. “Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?” Andrew sang. All of a sudden I felt tears steam down my face. It was a heart breaking moment for me because I started to realize I WAS alone and there was nothing I could do about it. I didn't chose my family so what was I suppose to do if they didn't want me? I didn't have any friends, not close friends that would understand. I had Andy though. I realized that in that church. I had his songs. His lyrics and beautiful music got my through it. I can't tell you how many times I sat in math class and doodled his lyrics instead of learning. I spent hours everyday writing, he inspired me to do that.

Throughout high school I was a Loner. Not the Payton Sawyer type of Loner either. It wasnt glamorous I didnt have a brooke, or a lucas. I ate lunch in my english room because I didnt have anywhere to sit in the cafiteria, on the days she was busy I went to the library. I didnt have a social life. on the nights I wasnt home I was at the local coffee shop or my job. None of this was glamorous. There were alot of nights that I spent asking myself 'whats wrong with me?' But throughout all of this there was always Andrew Mcmahon. Honestly I dont think I would have been able to do it without him. I felt so alone, he changed that. I really connected with his music it made me feel like everything would eventually be ok. I guess his music was my 'it gets better' campaign. For a lot of people struggling with there sexuality there is the it gets better project to make them feel safe, and as the title says that everything will get better. That is exactly what Andrew's music did for me! It made me feel like one day, one day soon everything will get better.



So yesterday I went to Walgreen's and bought SPLAT in the color lavender. A couple weeks ago i died my tips blue, and my bangs blonde the rest of my hair was my natural color a dark brown.  Yesterday I lightened my hair a little bit. Today I put the dye in. I was a little disappointed at first because my hair turned out pink, instead of purple. However due to the blue and there being many different tones in my hair I think it turned out cool! My favorite thing about it is that in some parts it fades dark.

What do you think? 




Connecting with people is not my strong suit. Actually I struggle with it. I don’t really have a reason for it. I don’t have a tragedy to tell you that gives me a reason to be so cold. I just am. If I took a guess I would have to say it’s from years of taking ADHD medicine it kind of just eats away at your personality until your left with none. By the time you realize this is happening, though, it’s too late and you’re already dependent on the medicine. Maybe this is true, maybe I made up to justify my coldness. I’m not sure what’s true was I born like this, or is this the result of medicine? I don’t think I will ever have an answer to that.

This morning was bad. I just stood there and watched as she turned into a beast. I couldn't help but stare. We all have had impulses to do what she did, she just actually did it. It was a reaction years in the making. A reaction to me, and I just watched. I didn't feel scared, pleased, angry, threatened… I didn't feel anything. Why didn't I feel anything? I should have felt something!

 This morning after breakfast, in her thick Mexican accent she told me to “Go clean the vacuum.” This being a task new to me I asked for help. I wasn't sure what she meant.  Did she want me to clean the bottom of it? Did she want me to dust it? She responded to my question by telling me that there was a clear section of the vacuum that can be taken out and I needed to empty it. She also mentioned that there were instructions written on the vacuum. I went into the closet I looked at the vacuum and noticed that there was a button that when you push it a part of the vacuum popped out. It was the clear part of the vacuum. I look on it for instructions and all I see is ßLOCK-OPENà So I try to twist it and nothing is happening so I walk towards her and ask for help.

 “No, figure it out” she responds the first time. I ask again “I figured it out in like 6 seconds” she responds the second time, and the third. I try it again. Nothing. I decide if she’s not going to help me I’ll give up so I attempt to put the vacuum back together. 

“NO” she shouts.

I responded with “I can’t figure it out and if you’re not going to help me…”  
She still didn't want to help me but she still wanted me to do it. Because yeah that makes sense -________-  

Finally after I start yelling saying “I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS” and aggressively trying to twist the top off she grabs it from my hands and twists it off. She gives me a smirk and hands it back to me. I walk it over to the garbage can and begin cleaning the filter. She then starts another fight. 

Are you rolling your eyes? Because I am…

She then calls to me from down the hall “ I need you to clean the bathroom.”

“OK.” I responded while cleaning the vacuum.

“Now! Not 30 minutes from now not an hour from now not a week from now. NOW” she added.

Did you not hear me? I just said ok. You do know that means ‘I will’ right? “OK” I said my voice gained a little aggression.

“I asked you to do it a week ago.”

“I was sick” I responded

“not when I asked you to clean it” she said.

“Yes I was I have been since last weekend” I should have said. Instead I yelled “I’M SORRY IF ME BEING SICK WASN'T CONVENIENT FOR YOU!”

That was it. That was the conversation that sent her over the edge. The next thing I know was that she threw the broom in my direction. I think it broke which was her last straw, because she threw the bristle part first and then the handle. I just stood at the garbage can cleaning the filter watching this all happen. She then ran at a plant and started ripping leaves off and tearing the plant apart. She then looked at me and said “I'm leaving!”

The end…

Just kidding there's more, shes a drama queen of course there is more.
She was back within 10 minutes at which point I was now working on cleaning the bathroom.  I was listening to music when my dad came in the bathroom and took my phone away and started yelling at me. He asked me what happened and I told him. He was pissed. I didn't get it she went crazy how is that my fault? I continue to clean the bathroom and my step mom packed a bag. She told me she would come back when I left for college.

“Then I will leave! Clearly I’m not wanted.” I Replied. My dad stood there not a single word left his mouth. At least she said no.

She left once she cleaned the mess she created. My dad yelled at me for a little bit, and then gave me the silent treatment. He blamed me, I could tell. So finally I spoke up.
“You might yell at me for saying this, or say it’s not true but it is and you need to hear it” after a short pause “but, you like her more than you like me”

“That’s not true,” he began.

“Yeah it is!” I said and turned the corner into a space where I could still hear him and he knew that but he said nothing. 

About 20 minutes he came up to me again. “I love you both its just different.” I looked at him. “I don’t connect with you, you don’t show me any emotion, and you are hard to love.”

“So I am a robot” I walked away tears falling down my face I dropped my body onto my bed and cried into my pillow. Very robot of me. 

He followed me in and he criticized me. He didn't walk over to me and give me a hug, or say I’m sorry, he just criticized me. He tried to justify his comment. The words he let out at this point weren't for me. He was trying to make himself feel better. He just told his only daughter that he liked his second wife better than his blood.


Flash forward to 7 pm she’s back. Like I said she’s a fucking drama queen life was probably just getting a little boring and she needed a little more attention.

sorry about the long post today i just had a lot to get out. I was pretty heated while writing most of this so sorry if the writing isn't that great. any way i would love to know your opinion on the situation. 





So last weekend I was feeling really sick. Normally sick for me is getting allergies, or cramps during my time of the month. I'm not a person that really gets sick. I've always appreciated that. occasionally I will feel something coming on so I will test my temperature or go see a doctor, but it never turns out to be anything. I am grateful  for this don't get me wrong. However at the same time its kind of boring. That sounds really bad though. Trust me I don't go to bed praying for some incurable disease, but I guess I just wanted something interesting to happen to me. A reason for my parents not to roll there eyes at me when i complain of not feeling good. Honestly in there position I would likely do the same. 99% of the time my symptoms dissapear with a good nights sleep.

However Friday was different. I took the thermometer out of the first aid kit my family has.
 It rarely gets touched, my whole family is very healthy. My temperature is always 98.6 so when my temperature rose to 100.5 I knew something was wrong. on top of the fever I also had swollen glands on the back of my neck, the front of my throat feeling swollen, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and headache. So I called up my parents who just left for a weekend retreat telling them what was going on. My step-mom who works in a hospital told me to " get some rest, push fluids, take ibprophin."  Being nauseous me I decided to do one out of the three and go to bed.

The next day went the same. I didn't eat anything, I called out of work and slept as much as I could. Sunday I wasn't feeling primarily great but my fever was gone so I decided to make the whole work thing happen. When I got there they had me go into the managers office and start counting a drawer for register. In the office i started sweating and according to my managers I looked flushed. They told me I should go see a doctor.

That visit resulted with the fact I have mono. Today now being Thursday almost a week later I still have no idea how I got mono. I still feel nauseous, tired weak. I apparently will for a long time. The doctor told me that I will be actively contagious for 6 months which basically means I wont be able to share drinks, kiss or other similar activities for 6 months.

I woke up this morning to a text from my cousin, the conversation went like this:
Is there any possible way I 
could have mono too?
considering I kept drinking
out of your brisk thing the
other day
OOO yeah I would get 
yourself checked out 
Hahahahha craaaaaapp

What symptoms did you have? 
Sore throat swollen glands 
fever weakness dizziness 
nausea loss of appetite
 She went on to tell me how both her and her boyfriend were feeling the symptoms... OOPS. 




WELCOME To my corner of the world. I've always wanted to start a blog, however I always believed that I wouldn't have something to write about. However in a little over a month I am going to become a college student. This is going to be a major step in my life, and I figured it was a perfect time to start a blog. Honestly I have no idea whether this is going to be interesting to anybody, but its important to me to do this. I also don't know if I will have any wild, crazy, worth-remembering experiences but I guess we will just find out.

So a little about myself.

  1. My name is Kylie. 
  2. I just graduated high school 
  3. I plan on attending UW-Stout in the fall. 
  4. I plan on studying social applied science 
  5. If I could meet any celebrity I would choose Andrew Mcmahon  

What else would you like to know? Tell me a little about yourself! 

Pretty Daisy