Monthly Favorites!



So last weekend I was feeling really sick. Normally sick for me is getting allergies, or cramps during my time of the month. I'm not a person that really gets sick. I've always appreciated that. occasionally I will feel something coming on so I will test my temperature or go see a doctor, but it never turns out to be anything. I am grateful  for this don't get me wrong. However at the same time its kind of boring. That sounds really bad though. Trust me I don't go to bed praying for some incurable disease, but I guess I just wanted something interesting to happen to me. A reason for my parents not to roll there eyes at me when i complain of not feeling good. Honestly in there position I would likely do the same. 99% of the time my symptoms dissapear with a good nights sleep.

However Friday was different. I took the thermometer out of the first aid kit my family has.
 It rarely gets touched, my whole family is very healthy. My temperature is always 98.6 so when my temperature rose to 100.5 I knew something was wrong. on top of the fever I also had swollen glands on the back of my neck, the front of my throat feeling swollen, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and headache. So I called up my parents who just left for a weekend retreat telling them what was going on. My step-mom who works in a hospital told me to " get some rest, push fluids, take ibprophin."  Being nauseous me I decided to do one out of the three and go to bed.

The next day went the same. I didn't eat anything, I called out of work and slept as much as I could. Sunday I wasn't feeling primarily great but my fever was gone so I decided to make the whole work thing happen. When I got there they had me go into the managers office and start counting a drawer for register. In the office i started sweating and according to my managers I looked flushed. They told me I should go see a doctor.

That visit resulted with the fact I have mono. Today now being Thursday almost a week later I still have no idea how I got mono. I still feel nauseous, tired weak. I apparently will for a long time. The doctor told me that I will be actively contagious for 6 months which basically means I wont be able to share drinks, kiss or other similar activities for 6 months.

I woke up this morning to a text from my cousin, the conversation went like this:
Is there any possible way I 
could have mono too?
considering I kept drinking
out of your brisk thing the
other day
OOO yeah I would get 
yourself checked out 
Hahahahha craaaaaapp

What symptoms did you have? 
Sore throat swollen glands 
fever weakness dizziness 
nausea loss of appetite
 She went on to tell me how both her and her boyfriend were feeling the symptoms... OOPS. 




WELCOME To my corner of the world. I've always wanted to start a blog, however I always believed that I wouldn't have something to write about. However in a little over a month I am going to become a college student. This is going to be a major step in my life, and I figured it was a perfect time to start a blog. Honestly I have no idea whether this is going to be interesting to anybody, but its important to me to do this. I also don't know if I will have any wild, crazy, worth-remembering experiences but I guess we will just find out.

So a little about myself.

  1. My name is Kylie. 
  2. I just graduated high school 
  3. I plan on attending UW-Stout in the fall. 
  4. I plan on studying social applied science 
  5. If I could meet any celebrity I would choose Andrew Mcmahon  

What else would you like to know? Tell me a little about yourself! 

Pretty Daisy